Message from Chair of Trust Col Dave Kenny OBE

I am very proud to be Chair of Directors of Mother Teresa Catholic Academy Trust and to work with our wonderful staff, governors and directors across our family of Catholic schools.
As Directors it is our job to set the strategic direction of the trust and to ensure the trust’s financial stability and safeguarding children, promote the wellbeing of staff and pupils and support the achievement of educational excellence.
We support the outstanding work undertaken by our school communities, ensuring that each school retains its own specific heritage and identity whilst collaborating together to develop our pupils' spirituality in Christ's name. In this way we intend to stay true to our vision in creating a nurturing and enriching educational community where the light of Christ shines brightly, guiding the journey of our children aged 2-19. In unity, we will provide an exceptional Catholic education that empowers children to achieve their highest potential, guided by the light and truth of Christ. Together, we build a future filled with hope, love, and the promise of a brighter tomorrow.
We look forward to exciting times for our pupils, staff and families as our Trust continues to grow and develop.
Col. David B Kenny OBE