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Directors Register of Interests 2024/25


If you would like to contact a Director of the Academy Trust please do so via Mrs Westwood, Company Secretary. 

By Telephone: 01252350583

By Email: admin@st-josephs.hants.sch.uk

By letter: Directors, C/O Mrs Westwood, St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Bridge Road Aldershot GU11 3DD (Please mark as confidential)

Chief Executive Officer:
Mr. Bill James 
(No material interest – No business interests – no pecuniary interest - Director LJJ Education LTD - Registered Person CCG)


Chief Finance Officer
Mrs. Judy Westwood 
(No material interest – No business interests - Relative Associated in MTCAT school No pecuniary interest)


Col. Dave Kenny OBE - Director (Foundation Director) Chair of MTCAT (Elected 09.11.2022)
Date of Appointment: 10.03.2022
(Material interest No Relative associated in MTCAT schools - No business interests - No pecuniary interest)


Mrs Antonia Stadler- Director (Foundation Director)
Date of Appointment: 12.07.23
(Material interest - No Relative associated in MAT school   – No business interest - No pecuniary interest)


Mrs. Maria Dawes – Director (Foundation Director) 
Date of Appointment: 01.09.24
(Material interest - No Relative associated in MTCAT schools –CEO of SAFE -No business interests – No pecuniary interest)


Mrs. Gaynor Rennicks – Director (Foundation Director) 
Date of Appointment: 01.02.24
(Material interest - No children associated in MTCAT schools – No business interests – No pecuniary interest)


Mr. Paul Concannon – Director (Foundation Director) 
Date of Appointment: 01.02.24
(Material interest No - Children associated in MTCAT schools – No business interests – No pecuniary interest)


Fr. Johnpromise Umeozuru – Director (Foundation Director) 
Date of Appointment: 15.09.24
(Material interest – No Children associated in MTCAT schools – No business interests – No pecuniary interest)



Fr. Ephraim Odhiambo – Director (Foundation Director) 
Date of Appointment: 01.02.24
(Material interest – No Children associated in MTCAT schools – No business interests – No pecuniary interest)

Mrs. Alison McLaren – Director (Foundation Director) 
Date of Appointment: 01.05.22
(Material interest - No Relative associated in MTCAT schools – No business interests – No pecuniary interest - Trustee of CCG)

Mr. Peter Keogh - Director (Foundation Director)

Date of Appointment: 28.07.2011
(Material interest Children and Spouse associated in MAT school – No business interests – No pecuniary interest)

Resigned: 31.12.2021


Mr. Dave Paterson - Director (Foundation Director)
Date of Appointment: 04.08.2011

(No Material interest, No Relative associated in school – No business interests – No pecuniary interest -Trustee of CCG)

Resigned: 31.12.2021


Dr Campbell McCafferty - Director (Foundation Director)
Date of Appointment: 28.07.2011
(Material interest Children and Spouse associated in MTCAT school – No business interests – No pecuniary interest)

Resigned: 31.08.2022


Fr. Anthony Glaysher NCH, BTh Director (Foundation Director) 
Date of Appointment: 10.08.17
(No Material interest, No Relative associated in school – No business interests – No pecuniary interest -Trustee of CCG)

Resigned 31.08.2022


Mr. Pascal Suntah- Director (Foundation Director)
Date of Appointment: 01.09.20
(Material interest Children associated in MAT school   – Director of Magners Plc – No pecuniary interest)
Resigned 31.08.23


Mr. Richard Fridge – Director (Foundation Director) 
Date of Appointment: 01.09.20
(Material interest Children associated in MAT school – No business interests – No pecuniary interest - Trustee of CCG)
Resigned 31.01.2024



JOB TITLE: CEO Mother Teresa Catholic Academy Trust

JOB TITLE: CFO Mother Teresa Catholic Academy Trust
I joined the school in 2003 as the Finance Manager and was responsible for all of the financial aspects until I was appointed School Business Manager in September 2011 when we became an academy. I successfully oversaw the conversion of the maintained school to an academy, including all legal matters, payroll conversions including the TUPE process, and financial transactions to new financial software. 
I assisted with the conversion of a second school to join the trust in 2019 including mentoring the school business manager. I became CFO in September 2023 and have overseen the restructuring of the Trust when the former Frassati Schools joined in February 2024. Since then we have welcomed All Hallows Catholic Secondary School in October 20124.

I have been involved in financial administration in both the corporate work and education for over 40 years’ experience ranging from banking to financial trust.A very capable organizer and excellent administrator with a proven track record. Effective in being able to apply available resources and see projects through to conclusion. Very strong combination of administrative, marketing and sales experience. Skilful in problem identification, data analysis and initiating changes to full implementation.  Accustomed to and at ease working with executives and clients at the highest level. Natural ability to communicate verbally and in writing. Very willing to accept responsibility, achieve deadlines and cope with pressure. Highly computer literate in Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Publisher, Outlook, and Internet.  Experienced in the usage of various types of office equipment. Supervised all levels of staff inclusive of hiring, training, and motivating.  Effective in delegating responsibility and upgrading the calibre of employees. Professional in handling all client inquiries and concerns. 

JOB TITLE: Chair of Directors

Commander Headquarters South East
Dave was appointed as the inaugural Commander of the Army’s HQ in SE England in September 2023.  He is responsible for managing performance and risk, for setting strategic direction, and holds command of all Army Garrisons and Stations in the SE of England (across 9 counties), holding them to account for business delivery.  His role includes: delivering support to all Army Forces based in the SE; responsibility for community engagement; and for Enabling UK Operations in the Region.  He also commands all Army Cadet Forces in SE England.
With 29 years’ experience of Army leadership and management, amassed through multiple combat deployments and a myriad of Army appointments, he is now focussed on growing and developing this new HQ of 101 people, with its annual budget of over £2M to deliver effectively.  He is also a trustee of the 4th Division Charitable Trust Fund (£1.8M). 

Dave has been involved in school governance since 2016, initially as a Foundation Governor, then Chair of Governors, as well as being a Foundation Trustee of the MTCAT, recently standing in as Chair.  

He is trained as a Military (Public Money) Fund Manager and was the trustee of a Regimental (Non-Public Money) Military Charity (£7.6M) for three years. He holds proficiency in Human Resources (notably performance management of staff); Health and Safety; Risk Management; Diversity and Inclusion; Equipment Care; and Safeguarding (all critical aspects of Management within the Army). 

In his current military role, he is responsible for setting the direction for the HQ staff through the annual plan, and then holding staff and subordinates to account for performance delivery through the year, as well as managing an in-year financial budget, and screening for the next 3 years’ budget.

JOB TITLE: Foundation Director

Self Employed Design Consultant
As a Design Consultant at INCUBE Ltd I am responsible for the initial customer relations required to design fun and inspiring reading and learning spaces to enhance educational environments for all age groups. This exposure to over 450 schools over the last 9 years has provided valuable insight into the disparity of educational standards and environments provided to our children across the south-east and furthered my desire to be involved in raising standards for all.
As co-founder and owner of a small business, SisterStory Ltd, I am responsible for company finances and ensuring that all statutory accounts follow good accounting principles and are filed as required. My director’s role at Aureo Filo Ltd includes co-developing and then approving the 3-year company strategy and quarterly business plan reviews.

I have been involved in education for the last 32 years. I initially trained as a secondary school PE teacher and subsequently worked for Local Authority and Governing Body sport. Despite qualifying to work in the secondary sector I have also taught at Primary level (I taught all year groups at St. Polycarp's RC Primary School, Farnham during the summer term 2015 and Year 4 specifically from January – July 2016).  I believe I have the skills, gained at both Primary and Secondary Level, as a member of staff, as a Governor and as supportive parent, to make an impact on the development of the MTCAT. I joined the Trust in September 2023 as a Foundation Director and oversaw the expansion of the Trust to its present capacity of 8 schools.

JOB TITLE: Foundation Director

CEO of Schools Alliance for Excellence
Maria is the CEO of Schools Alliance for Excellence and STSN, a school-led company that provides school improvement, curriculum and leadership development for schools in Surrey and other local regions. She has a strong track record of working collaboratively and in partnership with a range of agencies to support schools to improve rapidly and sustain improvement

Maria is passionate about a school-led system, believing bringing all schools, providers and partners together creates an educational landscape that is more than the sum of its parts.  She also believes strongly in equity of opportunity and has an unwavering desire to ensure that all young people get the education they deserve including those that are vulnerable and underserved

In her previous work she has facilitated the development of multi-academy trusts and developed strong new MATs. Her previous roles included Senior HMI and Deputy Regional Schools Commissioner.

JOB TITLE: Foundation Director

Educational Consultant
I was appointed to the role of Chair of Directors at Frassati Academy Trust in October 2022. I had been asked to take on this role due to my experience in the same position with St John Bosco Catholic Academy in the West Midlands and having subsequently relocated to Portsmouth in September 2021. In addition, I am also a validator for The Oscar Romero award and a part time ceremonies registrar based in Fareham Registration Office.

I have been involved in school Governance for many years, beginning when both my children attended our Parish Catholic Primary school. My involvement in parish life, particularly in running the Parish youth group and as the Safeguarding representative, also led to my decision to change my career path and to work in education.

However, my early career in both banking and the civil service provided me with an abundance of experience in management roles. Both roles were customer focused but with legal boundaries and financial regulations to consider.

Having found my commitment to education, I specialised in supporting and managing the SEN provision in an outstanding secondary setting, which again aided my role in governance and leadership in a voluntary capacity. I joined the Trust in September 2023.

JOB TITLE: Foundation Governor

Senior Vice President Commercial Operations, Ethypharm
I have over 40 years experience working in the Pharmaceutical Industry in various roles including; Sales, marketing, training, management.
In my current role I am responsible for the distribution of essential medicines to the NHS, Private sector and charities in the UK.
I am also a legal director of the UK business for Ethypharm who are a Private Equity owned French company.


I have 28 years experience in school governance in both Catholic primary and secondary schools and have been chair of governors in primary schools for over 10 years and in a secondary school for 20 years. It all started when I became a Parent Governor when our 3 children were at a village Catholic Primary School in Northamptonshire. When our children started to move on to Blessed George Napier Catholic Secondary School in Banbury, I followed them and became a Foundation Governor and soon after became Chair of Governors.

I was one of the of 7 Directors who set up the Pope Francis Multi -Academy Company (PFMAC) in 2014 and was appointed Chair of the Shadow Board (for 12 months prior to launch) and then Chair of the Board, a position I still hold.

The PFMAC initially had a secondary school and 2 primary schools and has grown to now include 2 secondary schools and 9 primary schools. These schools are all based in Oxfordshire.

In addition, I am a Foundation Director of the Frassati Catholic Academy Trust which consists of 5 primary schools in Hertfordshire.

My main skills are finance, marketing, management, strategic planning, HR and training.

I am also a Foundation Governor at St Thomas More Catholic Primary School, Havant. This is a VA school in the Portsmouth Diocese. I joined the Trust in September 2023. My driving force is my Catholic faith and I have a passion for Catholic Education

JOB TITLE: Foundation Governor

Parish Priest Our Lady’s & Holy Trinity

I have over 40 years experience working in the Pharmaceutical Industry in various roles including; Sales, marketing, training, management

In my current role I am responsible for the distribution of essential medicines to the NHS, Private sector and charities in the UK.

I am also a legal director of the UK business for Ethypharm who are a Private Equity owned French company.

I have 28 years experience in school governance in both Catholic primary and secondary schools and have been chair of governors in primary schools for over 10 years and in a secondary school for 20 years. It all started when I became a Parent Governor when our 3 children were at a village Catholic Primary School in Northamptonshire. When our children started to move on to Blessed George Napier Catholic Secondary School in Banbury, I followed them and became a Foundation Governor and soon after became Chair of Governors.

I was one of the of 7 Directors who set up the Pope Francis Multi -Academy Company (PFMAC) in 2014 and was appointed Chair of the Shadow Board (for 12 months prior to launch) and then Chair of the Board, a position I still hold.

The PFMAC initially had a secondary school and 2 primary schools and has grown to now include 2 secondary schools and 9 primary schools. These schools are all based in Oxfordshire.

In addition, I am a Foundation Director of the Frassati Catholic Academy Trust which consists of 5 primary schools in Hertfordshire. My main skills are finance, marketing, management, strategic planning, HR and training.

I am also a Foundation Governor at St Thomas More Catholic Primary School, Havant. This is a VA school in the Portsmouth Diocese. I joined the Trust in September 2023. My driving force is my Catholic faith and I have a passion for Catholic Education.