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Assessment Coordinator

Assessment Co-ordinator

As the Deputy Headteacher at St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, I work closely with the Head Teacher on the strategic development of our school. My responsibilities extend to overseeing the curriculum, assessment, and Pupil Premium. I am responsible for developing and overseeing assessment strategies across the trust, ensuring alignment with educational objectives and fostering continuous improvement. In this role, I am creating a strategic plan for assessment that informs the curriculum, teaching, and intervention across all schools in our trust.

One of my primary goals is to implement a consistent approach to assessment, ensuring that all schools within the trust follow the same scale and analysis templates. To achieve this, I am utilising the Management Information System (MIS), Arbor, to be used efficiently and effectively. This will support our trust in setting targets and analysing data, providing a cohesive and streamlined process.

As part of my role, I will collaborate with senior leaders to share best practices and ensure policy compliance. I am responsible for summarising trust-wide data and reporting to the Board of Trustees.

RE Advisor

I have worked in Catholic education for 28 years and taught in and led, 5 very different Catholic primary schools. I’ve been a head teacher for 15 years, leading two schools; my first in Reading and my current school in Basingstoke. I have worked for Portsmouth Diocese since 2015, initially under the old Section 48 framework, as a Diocesan validator and more recently as a qualified lead inspector, under the Catholic Schools Inspectorate (CSI) framework.  As a CSI inspector I have been fortunate to visit a variety of schools (both in the state and independent sector), from those with particular challenges to those with numerous merits. I see this work as a privilege and hope that through the inspection framework, I can help schools in their mission to provide the strongest possible Catholic education, for the children that they have been entrusted with.

SAfeguarding lead

Safeguarding Co-ordinator

As the Deputy Headteacher at St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, I collaborate closely with the Headteacher to ensure that our students, staff, and parents fully recognise, value, and embody the school’s vision. With over 20 years of experience in Catholic primary education, encompassing a variety of roles, I am well-equipped to confidently promote and nurture faith-based growth within a unique and respectful ethos.

As the Strategic Lead for Safeguarding, I oversee and coordinate all aspects of safeguarding policies and practices across the Trust. I ensure compliance with statutory requirements and cultivate a safe environment for both students and staff.

In my role, I am committed to working with the schools within the Trust to create a secure and supportive environment for our students, staff, and other stakeholders.

Special needs Co-ordinator

Lisa is an experienced and enthusiastic teacher who has been part of the St. Edmund Campion community since her own school days. She holds a degree in Psychology from the University of Leicester, which sparked her interest in child development. This passion led her to join St. Edmund Campion Catholic Primary School and Nursery, where she has been dedicated ever since. Lisa deeply values the spiritual and Christ-centred ethos that permeates the school.

While most of her teaching experience has been with Years 5 and 6, Lisa has consistently championed inclusion, striving to ensure that all children can access the curriculum regardless of their circumstances.

In 2016/17, she completed the National Award for SEN Coordination (NASENCo) and became the school’s SENCo the following academic year. In this role, she is committed to collaborating with staff to provide high-quality teaching in an inclusive and nurturing environment. In 2022, she was appointed Assistant Head and collaborates with the Senior Leadership Team to continually develop and enhance the school's SEND provision.

Lisa is excited about the opportunities for further improving our offering for the most vulnerable children in our schools as part of the Mother Teresa Catholic Academy Trust, working in partnership as schools where the principles of Catholic Social Teaching align perfectly with Inclusion for All.

Special needs